Trinity United Church of Christ
Berlin, Pennsylvania

Whoever you are, wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome here.
About us
At Trinity our emphasis is on God’s unconditional love. We are united by our common faith in Jesus Christ and enriched by the diversity of our members. Together we seek to worship God, grow spiritually, live faithfully as disciples and stewards, share the good news of Jesus, and serve others in Jesus’ name.
Trinity United Church of Christ
Our church supports the national and international ministries and missions of the United Church of Christ under the heading of “Our Church’s Wider Mission” (OCWM). We participate in the “One Great Hour of Sharing” (OGHS), and we support special offerings for emergency needs in the United States and around the world. We contribute annually to operation Christmas Child.
Locally, our congregation’s “Trinity Outreach Fund,” helps people in our community. We support the Berlin Food Pantry with financial contributions, volunteers and food. The Pantry uses a building owned by our church and rented to the Pantry for one dollar a year. The Food Pantry meets a major need for low income individuals and families in our community.
Our Sunday morning worship service is a blend of formal liturgy and informal elements. Preaching is emphasized. Music is provided by our Chancel Choir, Kid’s Choir, Trinity Ringers hand bell choir and Rainbow Ringers kids bell choir. Special music and guest musicians enrich our worship in the summer.
Our faith is summarized in the Apostles Creed, which is included in worship on most Sundays. We accept the Bible as the primary authority in matters of faith and Christian living. We hold an open view of Scripture and we value diversity in interpretation. We believe that the Bible is a living witness that often leads us to new insights.